- 1、谁知道一些有关黑客的动漫
- 2、求一部漫画的名字 漫画的男主角好像叫 王府井 ,他老师送了他一只乌龟 那只乌龟有特异功能 。
- 3、最近看了一部漫画叫《血色星期一》,顺便还看了它的日剧,突然就喜欢上这种题材。有谁看过关于主角是黑客,
Man don't pay too much effort on hacking. Despite the importance of hacking skills, improving the computer security and privacy is the most important thing. People out ther are far too curious on new technology, they not even thing about security when designing protocols or programs, making the world extremely hackable. But if you like the computer stuff, don't waste time on watching how cools is others go'in. DO IT YOURSELF!!! Stand up and go on like boring a book. And maybe somehow one day, you and I would be the one where people admire.
求一部漫画的名字 漫画的男主角好像叫 王府井 ,他老师送了他一只乌龟 那只乌龟有特异功能 。
这是张之路的小说 ,叫《乌龟也上网》,好像有一本杂志上把它弄成了漫画