




主角MS成功破坏了将军的'公司', 并以交换scylla的代价还了大家自由身, 但因手术后没有好好调养而导致复发, 在与Sara结婚后死了.(电影版中是因帮sara越狱而死) MS他哥林肯, 恢复自由身及帮sara越狱后到巴拿马(应该是)在海边开了家冲浪用具店(反正是跟海有关的), 并与女友Sofia结合...(不确定结婚没) Sara, 电影版中因枪杀MS母亲而入狱, 之前便怀孕, 电影版中被MS救出, 后来在巴拿马抚养儿子. Sucre(墨西哥男)恢复自由身, 有了家庭, 很疼女儿, 是林肯及Sara的好友. Don self (探员), 任务失败被将军抛弃, 并被MS母亲下毒手导致瘫痪. 住疗养院. Mahone, 经常徘徊在MS的敌对与帮助之间,但最后都是帮MS..不确定有没有做回探员, 但与以前的手下女黑人相恋. (在前妻生日时仍寄信) T-Bag, 变态又回到了监狱. 但不是Fox River. 将军, 老头子在监狱里想杀Sara, 结局是上电椅. MS母亲, 向林肯摊牌说明她不是他的亲生母亲, 最后因抢Scylla被Sara杀死(MS对她母亲扣了扳机, 但卡了) C-note, Fox river中的军人.在大结局中众人走投无路时带着Kellerman的条件来帮MS,最后恢复自由. Kellerman, 前总统手下特工, 被联合国的什么东西从监狱弄了出来, 最后帮某人弄到了Scylla, 恢复了MS等人的自由身, 最最后当上了参议员. Lucio, 前将军手下特工, 将军的情人, 关进T-bag监狱旁的女子监狱. 电影版中想杀Sara来赚将军的钱, 后来因想逃狱而与Sara合作, 最后于监狱教堂旁帮助Sara隐藏而被抓, 拜托Sara关照她女儿. Brad Bellick, 在帮助MS偷Scylla的时候为救林肯放弃自己命丧水管, 后被打捞尸体, 体面下葬. Wyatt, 将军请来的职业杀手,(黑熊), 被众人设计, 连同亚裔电脑天才一块被解决.













《越狱》还有着一群出色的配角,生性多疑的典狱官,有着痛苦童年经历的变态杀人犯,林肯那位不屈不挠坚持翻案的律师朋友,两位制造虚假谋杀案的真凶,林肯的叛逆儿子等,都是塑造得相当生动的。这些配角既能使荒诞的越狱故事变得信服,也能让剧迷们多一些谈论的话题。况且,观察这些形形色色的人物本身,就是一次有趣人生体验。 越狱》剧情:监狱里的人不惜一切代价要出来,而这位名叫迈克·斯克非尔德的工程师,却不惜一切代价要进去。这个男人故意去抢银行,目的只是为了把自己送进监狱。原来他的弟弟林肯·巴日欧是一名死刑犯,但他坚持认为自己是被诬陷的。于是迈克进入监狱,尽力帮他越狱并证明他无罪。



在第一季中Michael Scofield的哥哥Lincoln Burrows被陷害谋杀副总统的哥哥而入狱,并即将被处死。Michael Scofield计划通过抢劫银行而进入哥哥的监狱再去实行越狱。在完成纹身后,Scofield去抢劫银行,并配合的被捕、被起诉,直至被送到弟弟所在的芝加哥Fox River监狱。 在第二季中,8个逃出来的一级重犯成为全国警力追捕的对象并展开新一轮的亡命旅途,在逃亡过程中他们面临着种种情况,于是故事接着发展。而且因为林肯被陷害与一宗政府阴谋有关,所以从第二季一开始,迈克尔和林肯着重进行调查,希望能揭开阴谋背后的黑暗真相。而成功逃离监狱的5名狱友分别在美国中部逃窜,其中会有重新被捕的,也会有死于逃窜途中的……












Sid: That's it. Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute?

Michael: You're an artist, Sid.

Sid: You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and I'm never going to see it again.

Michael: There's a good chance(很可能)of that, yes.

Sid: Most guys, you know, for the first one, they start with something small. "Mom", girlfriend's initials, something like that. Not you. You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months. Takes guys a few years to get the ink(墨水)you got.

Michael: I don't have a few years. Wish to hell I did.

Michael: The vault. Open it.

Bank Worker: We can't. The branch manager's(分店经理) not here.

Michael: Where is he?

Bank Worker: It's lunchtime. He's at White Castle.

Michael: White Castle?

Bank Worker: It's a fast food restaurant. They serve those little square burgers(碎肉夹饼).

Michael: I know what it is. I'm not playing games. Open it.

Bank Worker: Sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag. Don't you think it would be better...?

- This is the police. You are completely surrounded. Put down your weapon. Put down your weapon now.

Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea(恳求, 请求) of no contest(争论, 争辩). Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield?

Michael: I'm sure, Your Honor.

Veronica: Your Honor, we'd like to recess(休息) if we could. My client's(客户,当事人) a bit confused at the moment.

Michael: I'm not, Your Honor.

Veronica: He is, Your Honor.

- Perhaps you should heed(注意) your representation's advice, take some additional(额外的,附加的) time to consider your response.

Michael: I've already done that, Your Honor.

- I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. Court's recessed until 1:30.

- Come on, Let's go.

- Uncle Mike?

Michael: I didn't want you to come. Go home, LJ. I didn't want you to see this. He's not gonna take this well.

Veronica: Can you blame him? He's your nephew. He's beginning to get that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up(结束,死) in prison,and he's not the only one who's starting to feel that way, Michael. Will you give us a minute?

- One minute.

Veronica: Don't you understand? You just put the book in that woman's hand and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade(手榴弹). Justice and punishment are the same thing to her.

Michael: I know.

Veronica: Then will you please tell me what's going through your head?

Michael: We've been over this.

Veronica: I've known you my entire life. You don't have a violent(猛烈的,强暴的) bone in your body, and I know you didn't need the money.

Michael: Veronica.

Veronica: Why won't you let me help you?

Michael: You've been good to me. My whole life, you have... but you've gotta let me deal with this. Okay?

- Given your lack of prior(先前的) criminal conduct(行为), I am inclined(倾向...的) toward probation(缓刑). However, the fact that you discharged(开枪) a deadly weapon during the commission of the crime suggests malice to me. For that reason, I find it incumbent that you see the inside of a prison cell, Mr. Scofield. It says here that you've requested to be incarcerated somewhere near your home here in Chicago. I'm willing to honor that. The closest level one facility to...

- Level one? That's maximum security, Your Honor.

- I would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me. As I was saying, the closest level one facility would be Fox River State Penitentiary. As for the term of your sentence, I'm setting it at five years. You'll be eligible for parole in half that time. Sentence to be carried out immediately.

- All right, people, step inside the door and check yourself for bugs. When you hear the knock, step out. Keep the line moving. We ain't got all day to get this done. No more talking in line. Move it. You got less than five minutes to take a shower. Keep the line moving. Keep it moving. Move it. Right now. Let's go. Move, move. Next! Next down in the banks, dress. Let's go.

- Name and back number.

Michael: Scofield, Michael. 94941.

- Are you a religious(信奉宗教的) man, Scofield?

Michael: Never really thought about it.

- Good, 'cause the Ten Commandments don't mean a box of piss in here. We got two commandments(戒律) and two only. The first commandment is you got nothing coming.

Michael: What's the second commandment?

- See commandment number one.

Michael: Gotcha.

- You talking out the side of your neck?

Michael: Come again?

- I said, are you being a smartass?

Michael: Just trying to fly low(谦卑), avoid the radar, boss. Do my time... and get out.

- There isn't any flying under my radar.

Michael: Good to know.

- Hey, can a brother get some air conditioning up here, coach? It's hotter than a crack ho's mouth, man. To hell with the A.C., man. Give me the crack ho.

- Come on!

- Yo, Fish! What you looking at? You look kind of pretty to be up in here, man. Fish!

Sucre: I suggest you take a seat, Fish. Ain't nothing to do up in here but serve time. Ain't nobody gonna serve it for you. Welcome to Prisneyland, Fish.

Sebastian: You wanna talk about it?

Veronica: No, it's not worth talking about.

Sebastian: If it's keeping you up, it is.

Veronica: Oh, it's just...it's nothing, you know. Michael's case.

Sebastian: You did the best you could.

Veronica: Yeah, but he didn't. He just sort of rolled over. He didn't put up a fight. It's not like him. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about him.

Sebastian: Hey, if it's on your mind, it's on your mind, right? Good night.

( All wings, guard coming out. All wings, guard coming out.)

Sucre: Trey Street Deuces got the hoops. Nortenos got the bleachers. Woods got the weight pile. The C.O.s got the rest. I'm telling you, the guards are the dirtiest gang in this whole place. The only difference between us and them...is the badge.

Michael: Who's the pet lover?

Sucre: He'll deny it, but he's D.B. Cooper. Parachuted out of a plane 30 years ago with a million and a half in cash.

Michael: Doesn't look like the type.

Sucre: Who does? Hey! What up, Wholesale? You okay?

Wholesale: Gonna be greater later.

Sucre: Yeah.

Wholesale: What you doing with this fish, man?

Sucre: He's my new cellie. Wholesale's got it wired up out of commissary. Anything you want, he can get it for you.

Wholesale: You keep handing out my jacket, I swear I'm gonna bust your grape.

Sucre: Man, you couldn't bust a grape in Napa with a set of cleats on. What are you talking about?

Wholesale: Man, you want to bump your gums.

Sucre: Oh, no, no. Now you're talking, talking, talking...

Michael: I'm looking for someone. Guy named Lincoln Burrows.

Wholesale: Linc the Sink?

Michael: That what they're calling him now?

Wholesale: Yeah. As in, he'll come at you with everything but the kitchen... Snowflake.

Michael: Where can I find him?

Sucre: Man killed the vice- president's brother. and in a month, he's getting the chair, which means no one up this river is more dangerous than him, 'cause he's got nothing to lose now. What are they gonna do? Kill him twice?

Michael: There a way I can get to him?

Sucre: Oh, no. The only time those boys get out is for chapel and P.I.

Michael: PI? What's that? Prison Industry.

Sucre: The guys that get along, get to work. You know, painting, scrapping, making mattresses, you name it. I wouldn't get excited, though, if I were you, Fish. You ain't sniffing none of P.I.

Michael: Why's that?

Sucre: 'Cause John Abruzzi runs it.

Michael: John Abruzzi John Abruzzi?

Sucre: John Abruzzi John Abruzzi. Why you wanna see Burrows so bad anyhow?

Michael: Because he's my brother.

Lincoln: They denied the motion.

Michael: Then do it again.

Lincoln: I can't. That's it. May 11. That's the date, man. That's the date they, uh... you know... execute me.

Michael: I know.

Lincoln: I didn't kill that man, Michael.

Michael: The evidence says you did.

Lincoln: I don't care what the evidence says. I didn't kill him.

Michael: Swear to me.

Lincoln: I swear to you, Michael.

Michael: But how did they get it wrong then? The courts, the appeals...

Lincoln: Don't know. Don't know. I keep thinking, looking back on it is, uh... I was set up. And, whoever it was that set me up wants me in the ground as quickly as possible.

Sucre: What's another word for "love"?

Michael: What's the context?

Sucre: Oh, you know. The "I love you so much "I ain't never knocking over a liquor store again" context. Except, you know, classy.

Michael: Mmm.

Sucre: I'm proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.

Michael: In a letter?

Sucre: You got a better way?

Michael: Face- to- face works pretty good.

Sucre: This place ain't exactly the romantic spot. I'm gonna have her go get on the Staten Island Ferry. Then, once she can see the Empire State Building, She opens the letter. It's like almost being there. Except for the fact that I won't be there.

Michael: Try "passion."

Sucre: Ooh! Ooh! "Passion. Passion" That's dope. Passion. How do you spell that? Is it "pash..."? No "h"?

- LJ, hold up. Hold up. I don't think I can go through with this.

LJ: Everything's going to be fine. Trust me.

- We understand each other, then?

LJ: Yeah.

- Friday. Not Saturday. Not Sunday. Friday.

LJ: Totally understood.

- I don't want hundreds, I don't want fives, I don't want ones.

LJ: I know, I know. Tens and 20s only.

- It's on.

- Police!

Michael: Abruzzi, I need you to hire me a P.I.

Abruzzi: Beat it.

Michael: Maybe you ought to hear what I got to say.

Abruzzi: You got nothing I need.

Michael: Wouldn't be too sure of that.

Abruzzi: My mistake. Just what I need... a duck.

Michael: A P.I., Abruzzi. You might find I can be of more assistance than you think. Mull it over. Come find me when you're ready to talk.

Maggio: All right, guys, pick it up! I want to get home tonight!

- Maggio.

Maggio: Yeah? So?

- That's the son of a bitch at fingered Abruzzi.

Maggio: That's Fibanacci? I thought the punk was gone forever.

- Evidently, somebody found him.

Maggio: Somebody messing with us?

- This you're not gonna believe.

Maggio: What is it?

- Tattoo looks fresh. I guess, being a diabetic, you don't mind needles.

Michael: I'm Michael, by the way.

- Scofield. I read your report.

Michael: And you are?

- Dr. Tancredi will do.

Michael: Tancredi like the governor? You're not related, are you? Wouldn't think you'd find the daughter of Frontier Justice Frank working in a prison. As a doctor, no less.

- I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem.

Michael: Mmm. "Be the change you want to see in the world." What?

- Nothing. That was just my senior quote.

Michael: That was you? This whole time, I was thinking it was Gandhi.

- You're very funny. Sit tight. Put direct pressure on that. I'll be back in a sec.

Michael: So, how do we play this? You hook me up with a few weeks' supply?

- Nice try. No hypos on the floor.

Michael: I'm the farthest thing from a junkie. Trust me.

- I got news for you, Michael. "Trust me" means absolutely zero inside those walls. The only way you're getting that insulin is if I'm administering it.

Michael: Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other, then, huh?

- I guess so.

- We're all clear on the Burrows execution.

- Good.

- Except for one thing. Bishop McMorrow is not in the fold. He's got a lot of influence with the governor. They went to prep school together, apparently. Look, the closer it gets, the more I'm worried that the bottom is going to fall out of this whole thing.

- Well, maybe it's time you arranged a visit with the good bishop then. Look, in one month, it will all be over.

Bishop McMorrow: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third day, rise again. And they remembered his words, and so should you. Good day, gentlemen. May God be with you.

Lincoln: Michael. Why?

Michael: I'm getting you out of here.

- Burrows, roll it up. Happy hour's over.

Lincoln: It's impossible.

Michael: Not if you design the place it isn't.

Veronica: Too formal. Too greeting card.

Sebastian: We gotta make a decision sooner or later, you know.

Veronica: We have time;

Sebastian: We don't, actually. I mean, at some point, we gotta pull the trigger on this thing.

Veronica: I don't want to rush this. We're only going to do it once. We have to get it right.

Sebastian: Honey, can I ask you something?

Veronica: Of course.

Sebastian: Are you putting this off?

Veronica: What do you mean?

Sebastian: I mean, are you having second thoughts?

Veronica: No. Honey, no. I'm not.

Sebastian: I don't know. I just can't help thinking this is about...

Veronica: It's not. I love you... and I want to be your wife.

Sucre: Passion? What were you thinking?

Michael: Hey, you went for it.

Sucre: She probably thinks I went sissy up in here. "Passion." Got more than one syllable, too much talkin'. That's me from now on. One- syllable Sucre. Yes. No. Love. Hate. Love.

Michael: Give it time.

Sucre: Are you kidding? I proposed to her. That doesn't take time. Si or no. One syllable, man. She's supposed to come around for a conjugal on Tuesday. She's always calling me beforehand, letting me know she's coming. This time, man, I ain't heard a peep. You spooked her.

- Scofield... get it together. Pope wants to see you.

Sucre: No good, Fish. No one gets an audience with the Pope. Not unless he's real interested in what you got going on.

- Top of your class at Loyola. Magna cum laude, in fact. I can't help wondering what someone with your credentials is doing in a place like this.

Michael: Took a wrong turn a few months back, I guess.

- You make it sound like a traffic infraction. Like all you did was turn the wrong way up a one- way street.

Michael: Everyone turns up one sooner or later.

- The reason I called you here... I noticed in your I- file, under occupation, you put down 'unemployed.' That's not true, now, is it? I know you're a structural engineer, Scofield. Shah Jahan built the Taj Majal as a monument to his undying love for his wife. My wife is quite fond of the story. It appeals to the romantic in her. Being married to someone in Corrections... terrible job. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. And yet, in 39 years my wife has never complained. And the worst part about it is, I've never thanked her. So, because I couldn't say it, I thought, you know, I could build it. Come June, it's our 40th anniversary. But here, look... you see, the problem is... I build anymore, it's all gonna come down like a house of cards. That's where I was hoping you could be of assistance. For the favor, I can offer you three days of work a week in here. And it'll keep you off the yard.

Michael: I can't do it.

- Son, it's better for me to owe you one in here than it is for you to owe me one, I can promise you that.

Michael: I'll take my chances.

- Then we're through here. Guard!

- Two pounds of pot? What were you trying to do, set a record? It's not funny, LJ. You could be going to jail. It's pretty obvious to me you need some guidance.

- Hey. Thanks.

LJ: From who, old Daddy Warbucks?

- Give him a chance. He's a good man.

LJ: We got nothing in common.

- Where is this coming from, LJ? Last semester you were getting almost all A's and now... It's your father, isn't it?

LJ: I don't have a father.

- It wasn't an immaculate conception, honey. Trust me. Maybe it's time we went and saw him.

LJ: Mom... Ma... Don't.

- I'm about as excited by the prospect as you are, but something's gotta give. You have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this.

Veronica: What if they'd sent you to Taylorville or Marion and not here?

Michael: I think I'd be doing the same thing I'm doing here. Eating Jell- O, drinking Kool- Aid...

Veronica: I know what you're doing. It's not luck of the draw that you're in here with Lincoln. You forget I know you. Both of you. You two have the most dysfunctional idea of love I've ever seen. What, he beats you up to keep you off the streets, so you get yourself tossed into Fox River with him? To what? Save him? I deserve to know. I loved him as much as you did.

Michael: Past tense for you, maybe. Not me.

Veronica: I gave him a shot when I got back from college. I did. Even with all the stuff that was going on with him, I did everything I could to make it work. And he threw it away.

Michael: You ever think maybe he was hurt that you left in the first place?

Veronica: Don't do this. Whatever it is you're doing, don't do it. There's a better way. I'm already appealing your case.

Michael: I told you to leave alone...

Veronica: I've gotten in touch with the diocese about Lincoln. The bishop...

Michael: That won't stop it. It'll only delay it. You want to do something? You find out who's trying to bury him.

Veronica: Nobody's trying to bury him. The evidence was there.

Michael: The evidence was cooked.

- Visiting hours are now over.

Veronica: Take care of yourself.

Michael: Someone wants him dead, Veronica. Something more is going on here.

Veronica: This is desperation, Michael. You're grabbing at straws. You're in denial.

Michael: Maybe. But I can't watch him die. I won't do that.

Bishop McMorrow: Gentlemen... What is it about the Burrows situation that I can help you with?

- It's our understanding that you have great influence with the governor.

Bishop McMorrow: I wouldn't say it's great or influence. We're friends.

- It's also our understanding that you oppose the death penalty.

Bishop McMorrow: I'm a man of God. How could I not?

- In this case, we're hoping you'll suspend that position. At least temporarily.

Bishop McMorrow: If the inmate appeals to me for intervention, how can I turn my back on him?

- You have a habit of answering a question with a question.

Bishop McMorrow: And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions.

- Are you saying you won't do it?

Bishop McMorrow: I'm not a man to equivocate.

- You're what...62 years old now, Your Excellency.

Bishop McMorrow: That's right.

- I would assume, then, that you'd be well- versed in how our government's tax system works. Taking personal capital gains under the church's tax shelter... well, that would be fraud, wouldn't it, Your Excellency?

Bishop McMorrow: I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs. Not by you or anyone else. Admirable.

- Good day, Excellency.

Bishop McMorrow: Mr. Kellerman... What is it about this case that the Secret Service is so interested in?

- The man killed the vice- president's brother.

Abruzzi: What'd he say?

Maggio: You heard me. Someone found Fibanacci. I'm looking at the photos right now. Son of a bitch has a beard, sunglasses... Witness Protection, if I ever saw.

Abruzzi: Who was this someone?

Maggio: There's no return address on the envelope. Just... this folded- up bird made of paper.

Abruzzi: Like origami?

Maggio: Yeah, like that. Like origami.

iOS 7.1.1 越狱工具背后的盘古 是怎样一个团队





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     发布于 2022-08-23 10:17:11  回复该评论
  • i.iOS 7.1.1 越狱工具背后的盘古 是怎样一个团队他们是一群从事多年信息安全技术工作的老家伙,有喜欢玩越野的,有喜欢泡夜店的,有喜欢动漫的,当然还有技术宅。自从iPhone第一代发布,国外黑客就开始研究iOS系统的越狱,直到iOS7系统可以说越狱的技术难度越来越大。其实越狱最初的理念


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